Courtney wrote a little picture poem when she was six or seven, and I thought "Wow, that's pretty good, baby girl." I sent it off to a contest, and it was published. She wrote poems, scribbled short stories and essays and non-fiction articles over her high school years. She earned the highest mark on her writing portfolio and won a national short story contest. In college she wrote songs and skits for youth to perform and did a lot of public speaking. In her career as a youth minister, she wrote Bible studies and more songs and poems and skits. She wrote all kinds of things, some for herself and some that were required. Always, in the back of her mind, she wanted to write a novel. She'd written that down as a goal in high school. Someone wrote about her in the high school newspaper during her senior year that she'd one day become a published author. Wow. Prophetic.
The stuff of dreams.
I used to want to write a novel. Or something. A million years ago. Because I also wrote all kinds of stuff when I was young. I still have the handwritten poems and stories on notebook paper; Court read through them (and giggled. A lot.) long ago. I even took a writing class a few years ago. But what it, and Courtney, showed me, was that I know where periods and commas go, but I don't have the guts, the skill, the plot, or the magic needed to string words together page after page ... to actually write a novel. Nor the willingness to test it, to put myself out there, or to risk rejection (an accepted "given" when it comes to the writing world).
Courtney has all of that and more. And an ability to learn from her experiences. She made the investment in herself and strapped on the commitment it took to help make HER dreams come true. Hard work. Learning her craft. Joining a professional writing guild. Learning the trends and the market. Reading. And more reading. Learning to write. And rewrite. And REWRITE.
And I'm so thankful that she allowed me a tiny bit in the process.
So, February 25th.
Courtney's first novel, Faking Normal (HarperTeen) appeared in bookstores and in particular, at Parnassus Books in Nashville, where the book launch party would be The Nashville writing community supported its own, and so did our family. A wonderful, exciting evening for all of us.
So many images from that night -way too many to put here- but it was awesome! Thanks to close family - Matt and Angela, Nana, Barbara and Mike, Lex and Lynn, Jeff and Kim and kids, Matt and Pat, Kristen and Destin and kids, and Adam -plus friends, Kathy and Pitts, Mary B., Adam K., Bruce H., Eric M. and so so many from the SCBWI writing community!
Two days later, on February 27th, Court revisited her hometown high school, Ballard Memorial (Ballard County, KY) for an author visit. These wonderful ladies from the school invited her and made her (and her family) feel very welcome.
Gayle ( curriculum supervisor, Courtney, Kristin ( librarian) and Charlotte (writing teacher).
Courtney spoke to groups of selected students all day - a Channel Your Brave topic - and enjoyed a wonderful reception by her home community that night. Thank you, Ballard County teachers, friends and family, for coming to support a hometown gal.
Thanks to Carla and Brooke. You did all the work (and made cookies) and sold books and sold tees. You are amazing friends; you made it so much easier on Courtney. I love you both!
The above photos - just a few of the many treasured people in Courtney's life.
It was a very long day for Courtney, but a wonderful one!
On to Bowling Green High School for an assembly during the afternoon on February 28th.
And afterward, off to the BG Barnes and Noble that evening (where Court actually wrote a lot of Faking Normal). State Street UMC came in droves and supported their former youth minister. The crowd was tremendous, and B&N sold out of books! So great to see so many of Court's former students both at the church and at LWC.
There were so many people at Barnes and Noble that the store ran out of chairs!
On Saturday morning, March 1st, Courtney flew to South Hadley, MA, for the first leg of The Story Crush Tour (Harper Collins) with fellow authors Katie Cotugno (How to Love), Melissa Kantor (Maybe One Day) and Robyn Schneider (The Beginning of Everything) at Odyssey Books.
March 2nd - Oblong Books, Rhineback, NY. Adam Potter was there!
March 3rd Fairless Hills, PA, Barnes and Noble, joined by Lauren Oliver (Delirium trilogy).
Courtney is signing with a special pen made for her by hometown craftsman. He made it with olive wood from the Holy Land.
On March 4th, the authors flew to Decatur, GA, for a stop at The Little Shop of Stories.
Also, on March 4th came the release of Courtney's first Harper Impulse novella: The Blue-Haired Boy. This is Bodee's story, the co-star of Faking Normal. It is a prequel to the novel.
Authors: Courtney C. Stevens, Robyn Schneider, Katie Cotugno, Melissa Kantor, Lauren Oliver.
Each store event began with a reading and/or a panel discussion before selling/signing books.
A special fan! He and his wife made a great effort to come from Hilton Head to Court's signing event, not because they knew HER, but because he worked for Court's grandfather and grandmother (and also helped babysit Court's mom when she was a toddler) as a teenager and had great love and respect for them. How amazing is that!
The first few days of the release of Faking Normal has come and gone (so excited that Faking Normal is doing well!). There were so many "firsts" for Courtney.
First published novel.
First debut release party and signing event.
First ebook novella.
First OFFICIAL AUTHOR school visit (Court's alma mater).
First hometown signing (thank you for SOOO much support!)
First tour with other authors.
What have I left out? That Courtney's message in Faking Normal is one of hope. It's more than a tee shirt, more than a silicone bracelet, more than a phrase in a book, more than a topic of conversation. And it is EVERYWHERE! Classrooms, libraries, social events, at home, and pep talks between friends ... even at the beach.
So Go Channel Your Brave!
It was so exciting as Courtney's mom to see all this unfold. I'm blessed and thankful and amazed.
I close with this last picture ...
... and this thought: "Sometimes we only see the shadow of things." Courtney C. Stevens
But Faking Normal is REAL.
Go forth and BUY!
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