Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Happy Book Birthday!

Happy Book Birthday.

The first time I heard that phrase a few years ago, I had NO idea what it meant. Then I learned it referrs to the day a debut author has been awaiting ... for AT LEAST 18 to 24 months. That's the typical time between selling a manuscript and seeing it on a bookshelf ready to buy. When I tell friends that Courtney's book sold, they want to run out tomorrow and buy it. And they act as if there's something not quite right when I say how long it takes. And that doesn't even count the length of time it takes an author to write a book, query agents and find the right one, and then go on submission to rounds of publishers. Rejections, disappointments, revisions. A lot of them at times. These go hand in hand with the talent, skill and sheer determination it takes to become a successful author. Publishing a book is a long and involved process. It doesn't happen very quickly. Ever.

Mounds of work take place in that period of time between selling and then getting the finished copy of the book. Revisions from the editor to deal with. More revisions. Cover art details. Copy editors, proof readers, checkers ... lots of people are involved in making certain the book format is just right. It goes to press - also not a simple process - and I haven't mentioned delays ... always delays. And marketing. The publisher may decide to hold off on putting the book on the shelf; this may be due to  TIMING the market, which is always a concern. Publishers WANT the book to sell, so they evaluate when the book will sell best, what the competition is from other publishers, and even how many marketing dollars they need to spend. ARCs - the book in its simplest form - are sent to early readers who will review the book. The intention is to drum up enthusiasm before the actual release of the book. And so on. Meanwhile, the author may be writing another book, scheduling signings or blog tours, and dealing with marketing issues. And hopefully, receiving good new from the Foreign Rights department. It's a L.O.N.G. process, as I said.

But finally ... FINALLY, there comes a day when the publisher releases your book (i.e., your BABY) to the waiting public. That day is your book's BIRTHday! It has been a "labor of love," but make no mistake, labor is involved!

So you throw a party! You invite your friends - who tell their friends - and your family (it is required for FAMILY to show up in droves!). You use Facebook and Twitter and newspaper releases to get the word out. If you're very blessed, a huge number of fans show up to pack the venue, to buy your book and stand in long (LONG) lines so that you can sign it for them! If you're very, very blessed, everything works out even better than you dreamed it might!

I believe that's what happened last night at the launch party for Sharon Cameron's debut novel THE DARK UNWINDING (Scholastic). It was held at Parnassus Books in Green Hills, a suburb of Nashville, and it was MAGIC. The parking lot was full, the bookstore was packed, and the atmosphere was ... bookish! And Amazing! It was a thrill for Ron and me to find ourselves in the company of so many writers, a great circle of friends, and Sharon's family. Before the end of the night, the bookstore sold out of all the books Scholastic sent for the launch party! A total success. A best seller in the making! (I believe).

And then ... it hit me.
The booksellers spoke to Courtney, "You'll have your book launch here, too ... won't you?"

Oh. OH. Courtney will have a BOOK LAUNCH one day ... my baby is an author. An AUTHOR. It is surreal ... though I knew in my heart from the very beginning that one day it would happen for her. I had no idea when, but I always believed that some day there would be a book/s with Courtney C. Stevens' name on the spine. That her dream of becoming a writer would "come true." Trite words ... dream come true ... but SO SO descriptive of the way her success feels.

I was so excited for Sharon last night. And so excited for Courtney ... thinking that one day this would happen for her; she will be the one basking in the admiration and love of some big crowd of people who stand in a long line to buy her book. Her book!

How that makes me feel? I just don't have the words.

But I am very thankful.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! how exciting!!

    I didn't see an email address to contact you.

    I'd like to as a question, if I may, regarding your interest in Model Trains. My email is kimcoreson@hotmail.com. My Blogspot is http://lovestheonlyhouse.blogspot.com and http://dreamsofmay.blogspot.com.
